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🟡 King-Shaw Hall

Media Gallery

A professor points at a projector screen that shows a table of text, some of which is superimposed over her.
Ives Hall, a Collegiate Gothic-style building, as seen on a sunny day. Ivy grows on the building’s sides, with other lush vegetation surrounding it.
Two ILR students listen attentively during a class.
A professor in a lecture hall, hands outstretched, speaks to a student.
Two women stand in a classroom in India. In front of them are about three dozen schoolchildren, all sitting on the floor and most wearing blue shirts. Behind the women is a chalkboard covered in writing.
Four college students, each wearing a lanyard and name tag, look down at a table at a set of small Post-It Notes.
Eight college students sit around a circular table, with binders in front of them. In the background are two easels with writing, as well as a projection screen showing a PowerPoint slide titled, “Basic Steps Within an Informal Mediation.”
Two individuals, one in a wheelchair and the other seated, speak with another person sitting at a table across from them. On the table is a laptop, a computer monitor and several small boxes of equipment. In the background are several more long tables with similar discussions occurring.
In the foreground at left, a panelist wearing glasses and holding a pen listens to someone speaking off-camera. Above is a banner that reads “Union Days” and to the right are two other panelists, also listening.
Two college students stand at either side of a table. A red banner in between them reads “The Advocacy Project from Cornell University.” On top of the table, four posters are displayed, and smaller handouts are placed on the table.
A student at Cornell’s Commencement ceremony wears sunglasses with red frames and the phrase “ILR” printed on each lens.
A shot of the exterior of Cornell’s midtown Manhattan hub, located in the old General Electric building. Its Art Deco-styled architecture is in the foreground, with other city buildings lining the street behind it.
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