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Student walking in front of historic Bentley Hall, Allegheny College

Henderson Campus Center, Allegheny College

The Henderson Campus Center is a hub of activity at Allegheny, night and day.

The James H. Mullen, Jr. Arena, known as "Jim's Gym," for our former president hosts basketball and volleyball.

Mellon Pool is the home for Allegheny men’s and women’s swimming and diving comes equipped with a six-lane, 25 yard swimming pool, with a separate diving well. It also holds approximately 550 spectators in the main grandstands.

The main level of the David V. Wise Center also features a sports forum, known as "The Blue Courts." The sports forum encompasses most of the upper level of the Wise Center. It is primarily used for open recreation, intramurals and physical education classes. Its 27,000 feet of floor space is roughly three-quarters the size of a football field.

Fans pack the stands at Jim's Gym in the Wise Center to cheer on the Gators.

Go Gators!

The Wise Center features a weight room, as well as a new functional training room. Located just off of the main cardio area, the functional training room features all of the necessities for cross fit and other functional workouts, including pull up bars, kettle bells, various weights of medicine balls, and much more.

Black and white illustration of college campus

Whether training for a varsity sport or unwinding after a day of classes, the Wise Center has equipment that help you achieve your goals.

The 454 House is often your first stop at Allegheny. It's the home of Admissions, as well as the offices of Financial Aid and College Relations.

Allegheny grads go on to much success after graduation.

Princeton Review has repeatedly ranked Allegheny among its best valued colleges nationally.

We strive to make Allegheny accessible and affordable through generous scholarship programs.

Brooks Hall, a residence hall, is one of the iconic buildings at Allegheny.

A special feature of the Brooks complex is sorority housing, part of Allegheny vibrant Greek Life community.

Brooks features one of two dining halls that are located at Allegheny.

Standing at Lord's Gate looking down Brooks Walk is one of the most picturesque views of Allegheny's beautiful campus.

The Gator Quad, outside the Campus Center, is a vibrant spot for students to meet, study, and just relax.

Student walking in front of historic Bentley Hall, Allegheny College

Coalition for College Tour