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Bucknell University campus, aerial quad shot.

Bucknell University quad, Bertrand Library

Bucknell University, campus quad

Bucknell University (logo)

exterior of freas hall from ground level

A close-up of a female tour guide and the group she's leading on the quad

Male tour guide points off screen for tour group, with bertrand library behind them

male tour guide walks backwards while talking with tour group on quad

Gates on campus

Bertrand Library

3 students walk on the quad in front of Bertrand Library

A view of the clocktower above Bertrand Library

vestibule of bertrand library - bucknell university logo on the floor, built-in bookshelves with books on either side

8 students work together around a table in Bertrand Library, books behind them

A group of students, sitting in a line, perform work on computers

Books out of focus in the foreground, a student listening to headphones sitting at a table in the background, two students talking behind him

A student works on a laptop at a desk in the background, books out of focus in the foreground

well-manicured Malesardi Quad in the foreground, with Bertrand Library in the background

Several groups of students study in the library at several tables

students walk staircase, with several stories visible, a student studying at a table at the bottom of the staircase

a group of students study in cubicles in front of a giant french door in Bertrand Library

an aerial photo of Academic East

ground-level view of the front exterior of Hildeth-Mirza Hall

side exterior of Hildreth-Mirza Hall

an oven in the foreground with several circular tables in the background

a long conference table with 14 chairs surrounding it and a podium in the foreground in a conference room

several plush chairs around a coffee table, with a fireplace to the side

a living plant wall grow out on the second and third floors of a hall in Hildreth-Mirza

plush chairs sit on either side of two small side tables with a skylight and the living plant wall behind them

a male student looks through a book with a computer next to him, the room filled with books on bookshelves in the background

students walk past the front exterior of Hildreth-Mirza Hall

exterior of Carnegie Hall at dusk

students study in groups around several tables in a large room

students study at tables in a large room

a female food service worker fills fresh fruit in a bowl at her station

the rear exterior of Carnegie Hall, with a well-manicured lawn in the foreground

a female student covered in motion capture markers uses a rowing machine in the motion capture lab, with faculty and students looking on

close-up of machinery

several empty tables with chairs surrounding them, with two hoods in the background and two large half-circle windows to the side

a classroom with two long conference tables, each surrounded by 14 chairs

Several tables in a large classroom lab

a large piece of machinery taking up a long classroom lab

a student works on a home-built car, a member of faculty in the background

the rooftop garden of academic east; a row of growing plants in the foreground with several fountains to the right

ground-level view of the side exterior of Academic East

the rear entrance of Elaine Langone Center, with a statue in the foreground, the building behind, and lined by trees on either side

a close-up of fruit in a buffet at a cafeteria station

a group of students in comfortable chairs circling around a round table, with people studying in the large space behind them

6 students strum guitars

5 students line up to get food from the pasta station, with a female food service worker working on the other side of the counter

a large group of people fill a banquet hall listening to President Bravman speaking at a podium in the background

front entrance of Elaine Langone Center at ground-level, a student carrying a bag walking away from the building

front exterior of the Kenneth Langone Athletics & Recreation Center at ground level

people use exercise equipment in the gym, with a large Bucknell Bison logo on the wall in the background

the olympic-size swimming pool in Kinney Natatorium

a student runs around a track with a group of students sitting off to the side of the track

a male student goes in for a layup playing basketball with other students

a group of students perform jumping jacks in a workout studio

a volleyball court at ground level, with a team in the background against the far wall

a group of exercise bikes in a workout room

a close-up of a large bison statue outside of Kenneth Langone Athletics & Recreation Center

the front exterior of the graham building from ground level

the waiting room of the student health center

the interior of an examination room in the Graham Building

the front entrance of McDonnell Hall at ground level

two female students sit on beds on opposite ends of a beautifully decorated dorm room

front exterior of Corner House at ground level

front exterior of 7th street house from ground level

front exterior of Outhouse at ground level

front entrance of Galloway House at ground level

front exterior of new affinity house at ground level

Gates on campus

Black and white illustration of college campus

Coalition for College Tour