The Student Wellness Center provides mental health, physical health, and wellness education services to assist all Central undergraduate and graduate students in the pursuit of academic success, a fulfilling college experience, and a healthy lifestyle.
Student Wellness Services
Media Gallery
Counseling Services
Health Services
Office of Wellness Education
🖋️ Counseling Services
The Student Wellness Center’s Counseling and Student Development Department supports students' academic success by assisting them in resolving mental health concerns and other personal difficulties. We offer individual counseling, group counseling, and psychiatric referral services to enrolled full- and part-time students.
🩺 Health Services
The Health Services Department supports students' academic success by providing routine medical care to enrolled full and part-time students. There is NO charge for office visits, although some lab tests, immunizations, treatments, and prescription medications may require a small fee. All visits are strictly confidential.
📏 Office of Wellness Education
The Student Wellness Center’s Office of Wellness Education equips the Central community with resources and information that foster healthy lifestyles.