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Building with statue in front and green grass

Wide angle view of Butler Library with bronze statue of alma mater in the foreground

Close up of a bronze statue of a lion's head with trees in the background

Wide shot of Butler library at dusk, campus is dimly lit with bronze Alma Mater statue in the forground

View of bronze statue of a woman sitting with a staff in her hand on a sunny day

Two students stand on a subway platform as a train approaches; "Columbia University" is written on the wall in tile

Three smiling students sitting in the grass huddled around a laptop computer

North façade of Lerner Hall

Three students sit on a set of stairs in the foreground with a bronze statue of Alexander Hamilton to the right. A classroom building sits in the background with three entryways.

Three students sitting on red circular couch huddled a Mac laptop

A vertical stack of books sit on a grass lawn.

A plque reads "Intercultural Resource Center" on the right side of the screen with a window and flowerbox on the left side.

Four students sitting on stone steps talking and laughing in a circle.

Back of bronze Alma Mater statue with Butler Library in the background.

View of butler library in the background with the back of alma mater statue in the foreground.

Crowded dining hall, focus is on three female students sitting at a round table.

Three female students seated outside on a stone ledge, two are holding laptop computers and they are all smiling.

4 students play foosball in an on-campus dining hall

Two female students sit in a dorm room, one sits at her desk while the other is on the bed, both are studying.

Many students sit around a large wooden table, one male student is in the foreground speaking animatedly.

A young female students stands in the library looking at books.

An aerial view of Low steps, dozens of students sit on the steps in the Sun.

Two women sit at a small round table, there are two blue signs behind them that read "Questions Happen".

Female student tinkers with a small electrical wiring project with a laptop sitting in front of her.

Four students are working in a construction lab.

Young male student works are a lab bench, wearing a blue lab coat and pipetting materials.

A group of student walk towards the exit of Campus on the main College Walkway

A student reads while laying face up in the grass and uses his bookbag as a pillow.

A student stands on a green lawn and throws a frisbee to a friend in the distance.

An a capella group of seven students stand on stage and sing, they sway, snap and are wearing winter clothes.

An a capella group stands on stage and sings, they are wearing winter clothes.

Four students walk forward while talking and laughing, the are surrounded by tress that are strung with brightly lit winter lights.

Three female students sit on the the grass in a circle while eating cotton candy and ice cream desserts.

Columbia crown

Wrought Iron gates that open to a stone walkway with lush green trees lining each side.

Well-lit busy study room in a library. Students sit at long wooden tables studying while people flow in and out of the rooms.

A landscape view of downtown New York City during the night time. The scene is lit with car headlights and skyscrapers.

Two students, one male and one female, sit across from each other at a small wooden table. They are an an outdoor cafe and talk over coffee and pastries.

Two students ride bicycles down a park path. In the background is a body of water, a bridge, and a view of NYC skyscrapers.

A group of students sit in a circle in Central Park, they are surrounded by greenery, rocks, and trees. There are several tall skyscrapers in the background.

Three students sit at a busy traffic roundabout, there are blurred cars and people in motion behind them.

An aerial view of Low Library, a large dome shaped building with a set of stairs in front. Students are scattered across the quad.

Student lounges while reading a book on a stone ledge. Behind her there are trees, sculpture art, and a glass building.

Two students lounge on a stone ledge while talking and laughing. They have books, laptops, and study materials in between them. Being them is sculpture art and lush trees.

A light blue Columbia College flag flies in the wind with residence halls in the background.

4 students gather on the green lawn with the residence halls in the background.

Black and white illustration of college campus

Coalition for College Tour