📸 Photo Gallery

Georgia Highlands College Logo. Blue GHC

Exterior ob Bagby Building on the Paulding Site. Red brick building with brick path leading to entrance.

Students attending a class in the Bagby building

Courtyard outside the Bagby building. Fountain in the foreground

Exterior of Bagby Building

Exterior of Bagby Building

Two female student study together in a Bagby building lab

Staff member shows rows of books in the Learning Commons

Exterior of Building A at the Cartersville Site

Two students walk toward Building A

Entrance to Police Office in Building A

Student receives help from a staff member at the Tutorial Center.

Entrance to Veteran's Affairs Office

Entrance to Library on the second floor of Building A. Student sits off to the right of the entrance, studying at a table.

Students collaborate in the Library.

Interior of Library

Student smiles at the camera while completing work on a desktop computer

Student focused on studying in front of a desktop computer

Terrace on Third Floor of Building A

Exterior of Building B at night

Aerial shot of the first floor of Building B

Chairs and tables in the common area in Building B

Close up of a long table with chairs placed around it in the common area

Student works the Help Desk

Apparel and GHC swag display in the bookstore

Entrance to Charger Café in Building B

Students grab food from the hot station at Charge Café

Hot bar at the Charger Café. Chef works in the background, preparing food.

Students seated at round tables attend a School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics panel in the ballroom.

People at round tables listen to a lecturer in the ballroom

Exterior shot of Building B at sunset

Gym converted into a fair with tables in rows and posters throughout the space. People mingle to different tables

Aerial view of the basketball court/gym

Track around the upper part of the gym in Building B

Fitness equipment in the Fitness Center. Includes rows of treadmills, elliptical and bikes.

Weight area of the fitness center

A row of treadmills are along the wall on the right-hand side. Additional exercise equipment are on the left-hand side against the wall. Straight ahead is a free-weight area with bench

Pool table in the foreground, with additional gaming tables in the background.

Image of the Foosball table in the Game Room

Comfy orange couches in a semi-circle in the game room

Student studies in the Tutorial Center

Entrance to the HUB in Building A

Exterior of Building A

Dean's Office Common Area

Students take notes in a second floor classroom

Student smiles for the camera while studying on the second floor patio

Student focuses on work in front of a desktop computer in the library

Exterior of Building A

Two students in lab coats learn from a professor in a lab setting

Student uses a microscope

Student takes notes during a lecture

Interior of third floor hallway

Common area with couches and round coffee tables

Exterior of STEAM Building

Two female students stand outside the STEAM building, smiling at the camera

STEAM Building Entrance

Exterior of Arts Lab

Student paints in front of instructor in the Arts Lab

Student uses charcoal to create new project

Student sketches new project in pencil

Students gather to relax and study in the common area

Students gather in the common area on the second floor

Student take notes in the second floor classroom

Student looks at three beakers with pink liquid in the Chemistry Lab

Interior of Chemistry Lab

Students conduct an experiment in the Physics Lab

Student in lab coat smiles while conducting an experiment

Exterior of Building B at the Cartersville Site

People in small groups around tables

Students present their poster to a small group of people

Centre Stage room set up for formal event. Round tables dressed with tablecloths and floral arrangements are throughout the room. Mini Eiffel tower with fairy lights on the stage.

Student holding a clipboard smiles at the camera

Student examines patient in dental chair

Two dental students smile and give thumbs up to the camera

Dental students practice cleaning teeth on fake patients

Two students walk along Paris Lake on GHC's Floyd Campus

Floyd Tower on a sunny day

Floyd Tower from a distance, seen through a tree's branches

Floyd tower from above. Side of tower reads "GHC"

Exterior of Lakeview Building on the Floyd campus

Students paying attention during a class session

Students listen to a lecture in classroom setting

Nursing students listening to a professor during class

Auditorium with stadium-style seating and podium in the front

Speaker stands at the front of a group with microphone in the air. People sit in rows of tables in front of her

Nursing students sit at rows of tables in the auditorium

Students sketch out their projects

Female student stands in front of the library with her backpack

Students study at the computers in the library classroom

Two students sit in the grass outside the Floyd Library. One is playing guitar while the other listens

Student studies in Floyd Library

Student studies on a laptop

Two students work together with books in front of them

Student wearing an orange Georgia Highlands sweatshirt looks up from a book and smiles at the camera

Student looks up from her laptop to smile at the camera

Outdoor patio and firepit

Students study at table. Nearest girl looks up from her papers to smile at the camera

Person in the Tutorial Center looks up and smiles at the camera

Exterior of Marietta site

Exterior of Marietta Site

Entrance desk at the Marietta Site

Students practice CPR

Two students smile for the camera in a Marietta Lab

McCorkle Student Center

McCorkle Student Center and Bookstore entrance

Three students gathered in the Student Center

Student smiles at the camera while holding an iPad

Food from the McCorkle Café

Chef prepares meal for guest at the McCorkle Café

Students get food from the McCorkle Café

Students in the Nursing Simulation lab pose around a dummy patient in a hospital bed

Students prepare blood transfusion in Nursing Simulation Lab

Student examine dummy patient in hospital bed

Heritage Hospital

Nursing student practices on mock patient

A group of nursing students examine a mock patient

Nursing student checks fluids bag while other student and instructor look on

Nursing student makes a phone call

Student in a canoe on Paris Lake

Person paddle boards on Paris Lake

Two students walk along Paris Lake

Student gathers samples from the Paris Lake Wetlands

Student walks along the boardwalk after gathering samples from the Paris Lake Wetlands

Entrance to Paulding Site

Physical Education Building Exterior

GHC Corral - Basketball Court

Gymnasium set up for graduation. Rows of chairs facing a stage with bleachers surrounding them

Basketball game in the Corral

Women's Basketball team and coaches poses with award

Science Lab in the Winn building

Trainer stands in the Physical Education Fitness Center with an iPad. Exercise equipment placed throughout the room in the background

Student studies from her notebook behind the soccer goal

Men's soccer team, dressed in orange and blue uniforms, play against opposing team, dressed in white uniforms.

Walraven building exterior entrance

One student in a lab coat pipettes while two other students look on

Two students in lab coats conduct an experiment. Both are smiling

Professor stands at the whiteboard, pointing something out

Professor stands at the whiteboard and smiles for the camera

Student sits behind a microscope and smiles for the camera.

Two student examine a white rock with their professor

Two students walk down the hallway. Both are smiling. One is holding a basketball and one is holding a notebook.

Wynn Building Exterior

105B Classroom sign in the foreground with professor writing on the whiteboard in the background

Two people sit at a table in front of a window

Patio with school information posters

Georgia Highlands Illustration

Heritage Hall building

Bachelor's degree graduates

Bachelor's degree graduates

The Baseball/Softball Complex is nearing completion.

view of the baseball field

GHC athletics logo behind home plate

softball scoreboard

Building A

Cartersville Building B Student Center First Floor

Baseball Player pitching

baseball batter hitting

First Pitch

softball pitcher pitching

Softball player scores

Student studies beside Paris Lake.

Student canoes on Paris Lake

Nursing student receives white coat upon completion of courses.

Nursing student receives white coat upon completion of courses.

Nursing students pose in front of Heritage Hall

Studnet in the dental hygiene department.

Studnet in the dental hygiene department.

Studnet in the dental hygiene department.


Cartersville Site

Floyd Campus

Heritage Hall Site