📸 Photo Gallery

Campus Tour Conclusion Image

picture of front of campbell hall

Center for Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship(CICE)

front of library

Science and Technology

Setzer Student Center

Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center

Texas Academy

Wayne A. Reaud Administration & Honors College

Front of Quad with head

Inside of Brooks-Shivers Dining Hall

Students in Dining Hall

picture of front of dining hall

boys playing video games

Friends in dorm room

Student studying in her room

Science student

Students studying in CICE

Students meeting in CICE

CICE Student

Students practicing sign language

Tutoring session

Studying in Communication Building

colorful signing poster

Students Studying on Computer

Group Study Session


Fun in the Quad

Studying in Quad

Friends in Quad

Quad Lights

Science Experiment

Class in Sci-Tech Building

Studying in Sci-Tech

Inside Sci-Tech Building

Inside Setzer

Dining in Setzer

Studying in Setzer

Alpha Delta Pi Table in Setzer


Intramural Basketball


Texas Academy Students

Texas Academy Session

Honors Students

Studying in Reaud

Hanging Out in Reaud Lawn

Inside of Welcome Center

Wimberly Student Services

Wimberly Building Sign

Wimberly Building

Provost Umphrey Stadium

Football Player


Lamar Band

Student Section

Montagne Center

Inside Montagne Center

Graduation at Montagne Center


front of college of business

Class in Galloway Building

Business Stocks

Study Session

James M. "Jimmy" Simmons Music Building

Studying Music Piece

Classes in Music Building

Student Playing and Instrument

Student Practicing Piano

front of education building

Note-taking in Class

Education Classroom

Class Activity

Education Board

Student Section

Lamar Band




Students Studying

Speech and Hearing Building 2

Students in Speech and Hearing Building

Students meeting in Speech and Hearing Building

Students Studying by Pond

Skating on Bridge

Soccer Player

Front Side of Welcome Center

Interlocking LU

Homepage Image

Lamar Homepage Illustration

Enjoying Starbucks


Black and white illustration of college campus

Lamar University Tour
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Kampus Korner

Desert from Brooks-Shivers Dining Hall

Student with food from Dining Hall
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Brooks-Shivers Dining Hall Headline Image