OPSU is a baccalaureate degree granting institution located in Goodwell, Oklahoma. General governance of the institution is in the hands of the Board of Regents for the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges. Academic programs and financial support are authorized and coordinated through the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
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History of OPSU
Established in 1909, our commitment to truth, hard work, respect, and humility makes us family. We believe what makes us so great is that we surround our students with faculty and staff who care just as much about the student’s success as they do. Explore our History!
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General Tour
See all the main stops at OPSU! This is a self-guided tour. Keeping with the spirit of our mission, “Progress Through Knowledge,” we strive to be a university that is always progressing. Our commitment to truth, hard work, respect, and humility make us a family.
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