Richard T. Greener Statue
🕰 Richard T. Greener Statue
The Richard T. Greener statue is located between the Thomas Cooper Library and the Center for Health and Well-Being.
Richard T. Greener was the first African-American professor at the University of South Carolina, serving from 1873-1877. Greener was the only black professor at a southern university during Reconstruction and it would be decades before another black professor would be appointed at UofSC. After leaving South Carolina, Greener served as dean of the Howard University School of Law, as a diplomat for the United States in Vladivostok, Russia, as secretary of the Grant Memorial, and he worked in private law practice.
Richard T. Greener was the first African-American professor at the University of South Carolina, serving from 1873-1877. Greener was the only black professor at a southern university during Reconstruction and it would be decades before another black professor would be appointed at UofSC. After leaving South Carolina, Greener served as dean of the Howard University School of Law, as a diplomat for the United States in Vladivostok, Russia, as secretary of the Grant Memorial, and he worked in private law practice.