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Donius University Center

Media Gallery

A view of LJ's.
A view of the front of LJ's.
Louie's indoor patio.
Lockers for pillar organizations on campus.
Students decorated gnomes to represent their student organizations.
The Goosecup and Homecoming Championship Trophies sit in the CSE until they are won each year.
Student receive help with their Apple products at the MiTech Bar.
Maryville's M-Store sells official Apple products on campus.
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🍟 Louie's

✨ Center for Student Engagement

Student Events

Pillar Organizations

Cultural Organizations

⭐ Diversity & Inclusion

D&I Recognition

Multicultural Scholars Program

D&I Programs

⭐ LJ's

⭐ M-Store

Louie's Market

Apple Store & MiTech Bar

General Services

⭐ Atrium

Campus Map

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