Adventure West Virginia
Best known for its First-Year Trips, the office of Adventure WV offers a series of 5- or 6-day trips for incoming first-year students. The trips bring incoming students together to participate in activities across the state of West Virginia, providing them with the opportunity to connect with peers and faculty to support a successful transition to life at WVU. These trips cost $95 or less and include transportation, food and equipment. Three different trip models, Quest, Odyssey, and Explore allow students to select their own type of adventure with no prior skils required! Students who participate are enrolled in a one credit hour course for the following fall semester.
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Student Health and Wellness
Student Life
🏋️ Student Health and Wellness
College students should always strive to make their mental and physical well-being a top priority. WVU has a variety of resources to help keep our Mountaineers healthy and happy!
🌟 Student Life
While the time students spend inside the classroom is extremely important, the time outside the classroom can make all the difference too. Maximize your college experience by exploring ways to get involved, find your people, and most importantly, have fun!