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Residence Halls

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Exterior view of the entrance path to Hesse Hall, a residence hall on the  campus of Monmouth University, lined with flowers.
Three students inside a decorated dorm room. One student is sitting on  the bed, another is leaning on the side of the bed, and the third student is  sitting at the desk at the foot of the bed with an open text book.
Students in residence hall lounge area.
Exterior view of the entrance to Spruce Hall, a residence hall on the  campus of Monmouth University.
Two people walking along a path next to a residence hall building, with  landscaping lining the path.
Interior view of a dorm room at Monmouth University. Two beds are  positioned on opposite sides of the room, with a desk between the two beds  and another desk at the foot of one bed.
Exterior view of the entrance to Mullaney Hall, a residence hall on the  campus of Monmouth University.
Two female students smiling in front of Pinewood Hall on the campus of  Monmouth University.
Two female students sitting on blankets in the quad space between  residence halls, one using a laptop and the other holding a notebook.
Aerial photo overlooking the bluffs
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Traditional Residence Halls

Suite-Style Residence Halls

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